
Welcome to THRAC's website! See below for our most recent statements and keep updated with our activities.

The Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada (加拿大台灣人權協會) was organized in 1991 to expand and continue the work of the 1989 Yih-Sheh Leo Support Committee. THRAC works for human rights in Taiwan, China, and Canada.

Friday, August 30, 2024

 THRAC Albert J.F. Lin Human Rights Award

 on display at Taiwan Cutural Centre in Toronto

On August 23 a display introducing the Albert Lin Human Rights Award was opened at the Taiwan Cutural Centre at 888 Progress Road, Toronto. The display was opened by Taiwan's Minister of the Overseas Community Affairs Council (僑務委員會委員長)Hsu Chia-Ching, and THRAC President Michae Stainton. This is the first time that any Taiwanese Cultural Centre anywhere has mounted a display of a "politcal" nature. 


 THRAC campaign to remove inappropriate names for Taiwan on Provincial Registry sites.

In October 2023 we were made aware of a problem with names for Taiwan on 5 provincial birth/marriage registry sites. In the online drop-down menu for "place of birth" (or parents place of birth) in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, and British Columbia , several choices were given for Taiwan, including "Taiwan, Province of China", Taiwan, Republic of China" , "Taiwan", or "Formosa".

THRAC has written to these provinces explaining the problem with these ascriptions, and urging them to simply use "Taiwan", or follow the practice of the 7 other Provinces and Territries, and have a box which the applicant can fill in.  To date (August 30, 2024) Nova Scota and New Brunswick have began a discussion with us. Ontario has not replied any of several multiple approaches. 

At the Taiwanese Canadian Association national convention in Toronto on June 23, THRAC presented a motion which was passed unanimously: 



 敦促五個省政府從戶口網站刪除不當,對加拿大台灣人侮辱,的 “Taiwan, China” 等名稱

Taiwanese Canadian Association National Convention  June 23, 2014

Calls on 5 provinces to end offensive names for Taiwan on provincial registry websites

The Taiwanese Canadian Association (TCA) meeting in Toronto on June 23, 2024, calls on the governments of Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island; New Brunswick; Ontario; and British Columbia, to remove the hurtful, offensive and legally baseless labeling of Taiwan as “Taiwan, Province of China” ; Taiwan, China” and “Taiwan, Republic of China”  in the drop-down menus for “place of birth” on your provincial registration websites.

We suggest that you could easily adopt the usage all other provinces and territories, and allow applicants to fill out “place of birth”, as is also the practice of the Government of Canada , in passport applications for example.

Like almost every country in the world, Taiwan has seen different regimes and rulers, but unlike many countries who have been called different names  (which do not appear on your drop down list) , TAIWAN never has been legally called anything other than “Taiwan” , whether under the Qing Empire (before 1894) , Japan (1895-1945) or the Republic of China (1945 – present). The name “Formosa” which also appears on your drop down menus, was never a legal name for Taiwan, rather just a colonial name used by foreigners.

In Canada, since 1970, Taiwan has always been called Taiwan in all government usage. Canada consciously avoided recognizing the Chinese Communist Party’s claims  to Taiwan when we established diplomatic relations with them. This is why no Canadian government document ever uses “Taiwan, Province of China”.  It is shocking that a Canadian province would  implicitly condone handing the people of Taiwan over to Chinese Communist rule, by having such an illegal and hurtful label on your websites.

While “Republic of China” is the official name of the state in Taiwan, this is not recognized by Canada, nor almost of all of the world. Canada has always avoided using “The Republic of China”, and requires that Taiwan’s representatives in Canada also  refrain from using that name. 

We condemn without reservation your imposition of a Chinese identity on Taiwanese Canadians, and urge you to remove these references without delay or excuse.  


Sunday, March 24, 2024

               THRAC Albert Lin Human Rights Award Presented to Gloria Fung March 23, 2024

The Albert J.F. Lin Human Rights Award for 2024 was presented to Gloria Fung (馮玉蘭) in a ceremony in Toronto on Saturday March 23. The award was presented to Ms. Fung by the wife of the later Dr.Lin, Sophia Lin (郭哲子)  in the presence of about 80 guests, from the Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Chinese and Tibetan communities. 

In his comments, President of THRAC, Michael Stainton explained that this award is not only a recognition of Gloria Fung's lifetime of service for human rights, but also on this day (March 23) a gesture of support to the people of Hong Kong and all who fight for its freedom, in Canada, and especially those imprisoned in Hong Kong.   

 The award consists of the award plaque itself, a certificate , and a gift of Canadian or Taiwanese craft art. This year it was an inuit carving, donated by Dr. Robert and Susan Liao. 

Greetings were brought by the President of the Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto, David Hu (胡品璿); Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Director General Chen Jinling (陳錦玲); Director of the TECO Toronto Culture Centre,Paul Lan (藍柏青);  Longtime China Democracy Activist and writer, Sheng Xue (盛雪)  ; Chair of the Toronto Association for Democratic China Winnie Ng (吳溫溫) , and Tibetan community leader Sunny Sonam. The Hon. Judy Sgro MP had planned to attend this event but was unable to because of the State Funeral. 

In her recipients speech Fung reviewed her own life of activism, highlighting the importance of   coalition building and organizations. She concluded : 

"We need to build a strong cross sectoral and cross cultural civil society in Canada to get the voices of the vulnerable diaspora communities heard. That’s the best way to hold our governments accountable no matter which party is in power. We must find common ground among differences. When we are united, we shall overcome the challenges and make positive policies happen for Canada. "

Albert J.F. Lin Human Rights Award  


 THRAC established the Albert J.F.  Lin Human Rights Award in 2014. The purpose of this award is to recognize the long-time work of people or organizations located in Canada or Taiwan for human rights, democracy and social justice. The award is given in honour of the late Dr. Albert Lin, a man who is a living example of this commitment, and who dedicated his life seeking to realize these values in Taiwan and in Canada.

The award is made annually on the recommendation of the executive of THRAC, in consultation with previous presidents of THRAC. Nominations for the award may be made by any member of THRAC, former recipients, and our partner organizations.

   宗旨:2024年, 加拿大台灣人權協會設立林哲夫教授人權獎. 其目的是為了獎勵在加拿大或台灣長期對人權,民主和社會公義有所貢獻的個人或團體。本獎紀念畢生在台灣和加拿大和台灣推動這些道德價值的故林哲夫博士。人權獎每年得有一名受獎者。授獎候選人(團體) 經由本會會員, 推薦提交給理事會。得獎人由加拿大台灣人權會理事會,會同THRAC 諸位前任主席, 而決定。