Monday, January 01, 1990

THRAC Workshop and Annual Meeting 2012

The THRAC Workshop and Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at

     Newtonbrook/Taiwanese United Church
     53 Cummer Avenue
     North York, Toronto
     M2M 2E5
     (link to map)

The workshop, "Working for Taiwan and Human Rights", will take place from 10:30 -17:00h and feature guest speakers and sessions aimed to:

  1. provide a background in working for human rights
  2. introduce participants to current human rights issues in Canada and Taiwan
  3. develop skills needed to actively promote human rights in the community
Tickets for the full-day English workshop (and bento lunch) will be $10; this cost can be used to contribute to the ticket price of the annual meeting and dinner if you attend. More details on speakers to come. 

The annual meeting and dinner will start at 17:15, and will be $40 for adults and $25 for students. The ticket will include your THRAC membership for the coming year. 

Dinner will be followed by the annual Toronto Taiwanese Community "228" Commemoration Ceremony starting at 19:00h in the Newtonbrook/Taiwanese United Church sanctuary. This event is free, and all are welcome.

Please register online if you would like to attend the THRAC workshop and/or annual meeting!

Want to attend the workshop? Sign up on EventBrite(Workshop only)
Sign up for both events or just the annual meeting using this form.

For obtaining your tickets, contact a THRAC representative directly, or indicate in the registration form that you would like one of us to contact you. The last day to purchase tickets is February 29, 2012Any questions can be directed to