Sunday, August 21, 2016

Report on the THRAC Annual General Meeting 2016

The Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada held its 2016 Annual General Meeting at Taiwanese United Church in Toronto on Saturday, June 4. About 37 members attended. Rev. Michael Stainton served as master of ceremonies.  

The meeting received work and financial reports and approved five proposals: a) suggested screening the films (建議多舉辦電影放映會) ;  b) calling for amendment of referendum laws in Taiwan (呼籲修改台灣公投法) ;  c) calling for passage of Equal Marriage Act in Taiwan and an assessment of government policies on LGBTX rights (呼籲通過婚姻平等法案,以及檢視台灣對跨性別者的政策,必要時立法與修法) ;  d) calling for normalizing Taiwan as a country and re-examination of its constitutions and official name (要求台灣國家正名與制憲) ;  e) calling for the pardon of former president Chen Shui-Bien (呼籲特赦陳水扁前總統).

The meeting elected the following persons to be the 2016 Executive Committee, which met on July 27 to assign the roles for each member:

President - Michael Stainton 史邁克
Secretary - Jean Chen 陳慧珍 (New member)
Membership - Edward Chung 鍾雅澤
Treasurer - N.L.
Webmaster - Cheng-hian So 蘇正玄 (New member)
Corresponding Member - Ching-Fang Hsu 許菁芳
Corresponding Member - Austin Yan 顏立哲
“Lessons in Dissent (未夠秤)”, a documentary film on Joshua Wong and the 2012 movement against the “patriotic curriculum” that China was forcing on HK schools, was presented after the meeting.

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