The meeting received work and
financial reports and approved five proposals: a) suggested screening the films (建議多舉辦電影放映會) ; b) calling for amendment of referendum laws in Taiwan (呼籲修改台灣公投法) ; c) calling for passage of
Equal Marriage Act in Taiwan and an assessment of government policies on LGBTX
rights (呼籲通過婚姻平等法案,以及檢視台灣對跨性別者的政策,必要時立法與修法) ; d) calling for normalizing
Taiwan as a country and re-examination of its constitutions and official name (要求台灣國家正名與制憲) ; e) calling for the pardon
of former president Chen Shui-Bien (呼籲特赦陳水扁前總統).
The meeting elected the following persons to be the 2016 Executive Committee, which met on July 27 to assign the roles for each member:
President - Michael Stainton 史邁克
Secretary - Jean Chen 陳慧珍 (New member)
Membership - Edward Chung 鍾雅澤
Treasurer - N.L.
Webmaster - Cheng-hian So 蘇正玄 (New member)
Corresponding Member - Ching-Fang
Hsu 許菁芳
Looks good with the pictures!